Summer Lovin’

May 3, 2011

Today I shipped three clothing returns (F21, Express, Zappos) and a cellphone rebate form. I’d been meaning to do that forever but just didn’t get around to it while school was still in session. It’s a nice weight lifted, especially since I just found out my cellphone rebate form had to be postmarked by tomorrow! Normally, I have the kind of luck where I’d have missed the deadline by a day, but instead I discovered it just in time, so that made me really happy. Then I went to lunch at a cafe down the street, alone, and for the very first time, found myself exhaling, relaxing, and enjoying the feeling of summer. Since I had my point-and-shoot on me, I even snapped some photos, just to celebrate the fact that I can go back into picture-taking mode again now!

Summer has begun

Summer has begun
Hummus and Swiss black bean burger, pasta salad, and chocolate chip cookie…yum.

Although I graduated on Friday, it took me until Sunday to wrap up the semester. Then, after I submitted my final paper (the writing of which felt like pulling teeth) I went into a sort of coma for the rest of the afternoon. I felt not relief, but numbness. Probably exhaustion, considering I slept until almost 1pm yesterday, and I despise sleeping late in the morning, let alone into the afternoon. Perhaps I needed all that rest, but as of today, it’s time to start taking care of myself again. Waking up at a decent hour, cooking real meals, exercising, getting the house back in order (or more like, purging items and paperwork and starting to prepare for the move out).

Also on my to-do list:

  • apply for passport
  • sell clothing and home items
  • get in touch with old friends/plan summer activities
  • keep job-hunting
  • repair desktop computer
  • take Herman to the vet
  • refresh some furniture

I’m also still in my driver’s ed class for the rest of the month. We left the driving range and started driving in the “real world” about two weeks ago, so it has gotten 100X more terrifying. But also exciting.

Busy Bee

September 12, 2009

I’ve just been too busy to think about Wardrobe Remix pictures recently, or even to put much thought into getting dressed at all. Hopefully I’m establishing a better routine and the semester will flow a little more smoothly now that it’s going on the fourth week. Anyway, here’s one from last night. Same white jeans I posted recently. Aint got the energy to switch it up.

Out to dinner

Patrick and I went out to dinner at Bistro 1245, which is always fresh and delicious. I love sitting outside at the restaurant late in the day when it’s not so dang hot, but hasn’t cooled down enough that the breeze gives me goosebumps. (I generally get cold at the slightest gust of wind). After, we went and watched a film with some of my Water Politics and Policy classmates. Kind of cool to turn something class-related into a Friday night social event, right? Or just nerdy.

Now it’s rainy, and I have to get to work. I never use my weekends effectively, but it’s vital that this one is productive. Luckily I had an indulgent trip to the grocery store this morning so I have all the food I could ever want–and munching is what keeps me going when I’m doing my work. One of those bad habits you’re supposed to recognize about yourself and put to an end, by, say, chewing a piece of gum. Right.

Feelin’ Good

April 30, 2009

Me on a couple of Isabelle’s business cards :)



Pictures from her blog.

I finally signed up for a photography class, which will run for about six weeks beginning in June. I am so excited that I’m actually following through with a hobby I’ve wanted to learn more about for a couple of years now, even in the midst of grad school. It’s kind of empowering to take so much on. I really admire well-rounded people who are “jacks of all trades,” and I guess that’s a goal I have for myself. I always want to be learning throughout my life. I understand the need–and enjoy–having certain, long-term, focused career goals, but I plan on pursuing as many other creative outlets as possible; photography, foreign languages, cooking, yoga, writing, and other artistic endeavors.

All I have left for the semester is grading. Today I’m going to do a little cleaning around the apartment and then get to work, because tomorrow I’m going to South Florida for a long weekend! I’m really looking forward to having a relaxing few days in Ft. Lauderdale, especially with no homework to stress me out. I’ll probably even go to the beach. I love waking up on mornings when I’m about to take a fun trip; packing up the car, loading music on the IPODs, stocking up on snacks at a gas station, and hitting the road. Very few things make me happier, other than maybe heading off to the airport!