
May 27, 2011

Just a quick update to say that since my last post in the last 3 days, I have, among other things:

  • gone to an out-of-state job interview (where I was grilled by about 15-20 people over the course of 4 1/2 hours),
  • passed my driver’s license test (10 years after getting my learner’s permit),
  • and officially started moving out of my house (I should be done by Sunday), selling a lot of my furniture and clothing in the process.

This is one crazy time. Even though I’m sort of in limbo about “what’s next” right now, it feels good to be tackling these challenges. The fun summer plans–easy reading, touching up furniture, cooking new meals–will have to wait a little longer, and I can’t even upload photos right now, which is annoying, but soon I’ll be at my parents’ house again and probably in a more normal routine. I was right. 2011 is my year of action.

Ebb and Flow

February 2, 2011

If it isn’t obvious, I haven’t been much in the mood for blogging here lately. I’m so incredibly busy with my final semester of graduate school (which includes doing my MA project, balancing two jobs, and serving on a conference committee on top of classes) that I don’t have the time or inspiration. I’d say I’m in a funk. I know this kind of thing has an ebb and flow and I’m sure this won’t be the case for long, but goodness, as of now, I’m trying desperately to climb out of the hole I’m in–just so many humongous tasks to accomplish, so many I’ve fallen behind in, so many more to come in the next few months. My stress has turned into a lot of fear and the fear has turned into avoidance, and now I’m finally trying to conquer some of the stuff I’ve been avoiding.

One thing I have realized is that while I really can’t do anything to make my life less stressful right now beyond conquering my to-do list–there’s just no getting out of all my current obligations–in the future, I will never again spread myself so thin. I have no idea what’s going to happen when I graduate. Will I find a job? If so, will it be a career-oriented one, or something less serious? Will I move back in with my parents? Will I be able to do any traveling? Only time will tell. But whatever the case, I am going to focus more on making myself happy and healthy. (Really I’ve already started, but it’s not fun yet–it’s work. For one thing, I’m finally attempting to overcome my driving phobia and learn how to drive.)

Here are some pictures that cheer me up, all from the fabulous blog An Indian Summer. They’re just all so beautiful. I’ll be keeping these in mind wherever I move next. I love the idea of combining bold colors and patterns with minimal “stuff.”

Via An Indian Summer

Via An Indian Summer

Via An Indian Summer

Via An Indian Summer

Via An Indian Summer

To Do

December 8, 2010

To do:

Finish GF paper, submit online and hard copy
Finish LIT project, submit online

Format meeting notes and create “research round up”, return P.’s email, set time to talk
Meeting with L. Friday Prepare for first day, bring necessary documents
Create attendance document and grade all papers; drop off on campus
Return A.’s message
Pay USF fee and other bills
Send V. bday/Xmas present
Make Blurb book
Apply for bookmarked jobs
Figure out if/how going home this weekend

Starting next week
Send Xmas cards to S. and G.A. at least
Submit passport app
Sign up for driving classes
Finalize spring schedule
Finalize NY plans
Sell stuff been meaning to sell for months

I will post the outfits I’ve been wearing but not until I wrap up the worst of the week.


I went on a big Marilyn Monroe photo bookmarking kick the other day. I don’t care if it’s cliche.

Also added several links the the travel category of my blogroll. I may or may not be considering running away to the other side of the world.

30 for 30: Day 17. Comfort.

December 2, 2010

A combination of yesterday’s ordeal (long story short, my shoes hurt), the cooler weather, and my mega-stress about school meant that as soon as I woke up this morning, I craved comfort. A big sweater, sturdy boots, and jeans. I put my hair in a braid while it was still wet.

30 for 30, Day 17: Comfort

That’s about as much as I can say about that as I scramble to get some work done. Work that requires a lot of brain power, unfortunately.

30 for 30, Day 17: Comfort

Bonus shot to make up for a short post: Here are the glasses I wear in class or at the movies or anywhere I really need to see. I usually whip them off as soon as the scheduled viewing is done.

30 for 30, Day 17: Comfort

For Me

November 4, 2010

I’d like a cute to-do list template for Word (I like to type my lists). Here is a free printable PDF. Somehow it seems like it would make these things more fun.

To Do Week of 11/02/10 (and Beyond):

Read the rest of this entry »

A Walk to Remember

February 9, 2010

I had a lovely time visiting home this weekend. Now that I’m in Gainesville–the closest I’ve lived to my hometown since leaving for college six years ago–somehow “the Island” is on my mind more than usual. Knowing that I’m only a little over an hour away makes it feel more real to me. It’s nice. I keep thinking that my friends and I will be turning 25 soon (this year, next year) and I hope people don’t start getting jobs that take them far away, those who haven’t already left, anyway. I expect it will happen eventually. But maybe I’m wrong. Or maybe it will take another 5 years or so, since I still feel like plenty of us are far from “grownups.”

My walk this morning

My walk this morning

My walk this morning

Pictures from a cold morning walk with Herman yesterday, in my parents’ neighborhood.

The past 24 hours have been incredibly busy, draining, and productive. I feel proud of myself but can’t let myself off the hook yet, either. It’s time for me to decide my fate: Thesis or non-thesis, doing what, with whom? I do not know. I also need to keep applying for summer jobs. Got a nice email today from a non-profit in Gville that works with girls to encourage their empowerment, after I sent an unsolicited resume and cover letter expressing interest in working with their summer camp. They aren’t hiring yet but will be considering me when it’s closer to that time, so that’s one potential option. Unfortunately I think they are interested in (but not limited to) hiring students who qualify for Federal Work Study, which as far as I know, does not include me. We’ll see.

PS – Go see me at CasaSugar!



Time is A-Flyin’

January 23, 2010

My to-do list for what’s left of the weekend is horrifyingly long, but at least I had a fun time visiting friends in Orlando last night.

Herman enjoyed himself, as well.



Ugh, if I can just get through the enormous amount of work I have ahead of me, life will be great.

It’s Saturday night at 6:30: Better get started.